Computer Science

Hello Job Seeker,

Here is the latest list of jobs for your chosen discipline.
Good luck in your job search.

PhD Scholarship with the Centre for Human Factors and Sociotechnical Systems
Centre for Human Factors and Sociotechnical Systems
University of the Sunshine Coast

Professor of Quantitative Biology (100927-128)
Life Sciences
University of Warwick

Data Analyst
Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London

Postdoc Position in the area of AI-powered Mixed Reality
School of Electrical Engineering
Aalto University

Curriculum Manager - Engineering, Automotive & Robotics
St Helens College

Part time Research Officer (Computational Materials Modelling)
Swansea University

Chair In Computer Science
College Of Engineering And Physical Sciences, School Of Computer Science
University of Birmingham

Research Associate/Assistant - B175645R
Newcastle University

PhD Studentship - Explainable AI for Interacting Autonomous Agents
University of Bristol

Research Fellow in Interactive Graphics
School of Engineering and Informatics, Department of Informatics
University of Sussex

Postdoctoral Fellow - Computational Analysis of Microbiome Data
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

Lecturers in Data Science (Education and Research)
College of Engineering, Mathematics & Physical Sciences
University of Exeter

Post-Doctoral Research Assistant
Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics (PAM) / Centre for Astrophysics Research (CAR)
University of Hertfordshire

Research Assistant/Associate (Software Developer)
Department of Computing, Data Science Institute
Imperial College London

Research Associate in Computational Logic or Applications of Reasoning to Data Management (2 posts)
Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford

Postgraduate Research Opportunity: Plague Hazard Assessment Toolset
University of Leeds

Learning Technologist*
Gower College Swansea

Research Associate - Data Analysis
Department of Computing, Data Science Institute
Imperial College London

Research Fellow in Medical Image Computing
Computer Science
University College London

Research Associate x2
College of Science and Engineering - Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

Research Associate x2
College of Science and Engineering - Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

PhD Studentship: Efficient and natural proofs and algorithms
Computer Science
University of Bath

Assistant Technical Analyst (Health Economics)
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology - School of Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College London

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Exoplanet Detection and Characterisation
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Edinburgh

Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Edinburgh

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
Open-Rank Faculty Position in Theoretical or Computational Neuroscience
University College London

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