Interview Call Letter- 13th Sept-14 Saturday For MSBI (Source: Monster)

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For Internal Use of Employer - Monster Resume ID: 14100730 (Confidential)     Personal Folder ID: 15770188
Dear Job,

Greetings from Tech Mahindra!!!

We are doing a Scheduled Drive on the 13th sept -14 DW- MSBI Below are interviews details.

Job Location is Hyderabad

Interview location : Bangalore

Exp : 3- 9 yrs

Job Description:

1. SSIS, T-SQL, SSAS, Dimension Modeling & data Modeling 1) SSIS 2) T-SQL 3) SSAS 4) Dimension modeling and data modeling

2.SSIS / SSRS/SSAS 8+ years of experience in SSIS/SSRS and SSAS development. Hands on for SSIS/SSRS/SSAS and DB query optimizations. Additional skill - DB administration Post the initial interview, they need to clean interview with MCS team as well.
SQL BI Skilled in Design, Development & Unit Testing in SQL - SSIS - SSRS - SSAS

3. SSIS / SSRS 6+ years of experience in SSIS and SSRS development. Hands on for SSIS/SSRS and DB query optimizations. Additional skill - DB administration

As discussed below is the Interview Details,

Interview Date: 13th sept-14

Interview Day: Saturday

Interview Time: 9.30am

Contact Person: Soniya Nagrath-Hyderabad

Interview Process: Technical and HR interview.

Bangalore Address

Tech Mahindra
Plot No.45(P)/46(P)
KIADB Industrial Area
Phase - 2 ,Electronic City,

Contact Person: Vethmourthy/ Soniya

*Mandatory Documents to be Carried:

1. Experience letter of last all the employers and settlement letter
Giving out details of EMP ID, DOJ and LWD of the employment preceding current employment.

2. Offer Letter, last two months salary slips of current employment, Hike letter

3. Copy of certificate and mark sheets of whole qualification being considered

4. Address proof

5. Form 16 or Bank Statement from all the previous organizations and Current Organization

If you are interested, pls share your mail confirmation with resume with CTC/ETC/NP/Current location

Best Regards ,
Soniya Nagrath |Human Resource|
Direct: 040-33876196

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