Computer Science

Hello Job Seeker,

Here is the latest list of jobs for your chosen discipline.
Good luck in your job search.

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Bioinformatics
Department of Biology
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Data Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Computer Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Cognitive Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Cybersecurity
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Financial Engineering and Technology
Department of Finance
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Insurance and Actuarial Science
Department of Finance
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Big Data Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Advanced Systems and Analytics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology of China

Dean of the School of Science
Loughborough University

Assistant Lecturer in Accounting (2 positions) (re-advertisement)
School of Accounting and Finance
University of the South Pacific

Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean of the Faculty of Science & Technology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Anglia Ruskin University

KTP Associate - Excelsior Panelling Systems Ltd
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Birmingham City University

Group Leader in Cancer Big Data
Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM), Oxford Ludwig Institute
University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Wireless Network Theory
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Research Assistant Software Engineer for the Grapples Project
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge

Research Fellow in Software Defined Networking
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Surrey

Visual Effects Tutor
Confetti Media Group

Teacher of Computing (Maternity Cover)
Sir George Monoux College

PhD Studentship: Information Visualization Directed by Graph Data Mining
School of Computing
University of Kent

Postdoctoral Researchers in Atomistic and DFT Modelling of Lithium Batteries
University of Bath

Research Analyst / Senior Research Analyst
Trilateral Research Ltd

Part Time Assessors - Software/ Web Developer (MM1117)
Solihull College

Part Time Assessors - Network Engineer (MM1117)
Solihull College

Part Time Assessors - Software Tester (MM1117)
Solihull College

PhD Studentship: AI and physics-based approaches to bounding visual uncertainty
School of Computing sciences
University of East Anglia

Research Fellow in Autonomous Cars Guidance
Centre for Electronic Warfare, Information and Cyber
Cranfield University

Part Time Assessors - IT Project Management (MM1117)
Solihull College

Part Time Assessors - Cyber Security (MM1117)
Solihull College

Part Time Assessors - Digital Marketer (MM1117)
Solihull College

Research Scientist in Network and Population-based fMRI Analysis
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Researcher – Total Scattering
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
STFC - The Science and Technology Facilities Council

Research Associate: How to (re)represent it?
Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Cambridge

Postgraduate Scholarships at the University of East Anglia
University of East Anglia

Research Associate in Building Performance and Programming
UCL The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources
University College London

The Santander Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of East Anglia
University of East Anglia

PhD Position – Portable Atomic Clocks
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Sussex

SVQ Assessors / Internal Verifiers - Information Technology
West Highland College UHI

Tutor - IT (HMP Highpoint)

Research Associate
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Sheffield

5 x Analyst Developer
School of Computing and Communications
Lancaster University

Technical Manager
School of Computing and Communications
Lancaster University

PDRA for Human Robot Interaction/Human Computer Interaction/Multimodal Systems with Explainable AI (3 posts)
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University

Lecturer in ICT & Computing
St Helens College

Research Associate in Multimodal Communication
UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences - Experimental Psychology
University College London

Research Fellow in Radio-Light Network Design Engineer FAB0040
Brunel University London

Software Developer for Statistical Methodology
MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL
University College London

2017 has been another great year for as we continue offering careers advice tailored to our jobseekers. Here are some of the best articles from the past year.

5 steps to take after your doctorate

After the years of hard slog, surely the time after getting your doctorate is a time to relax and celebrate. But the period after successfully defending a PhD can be disorientating, especially if you don't (yet!) have a job in hand. It may be tempting to think that you never want to look at your thesis again after having spent so long on it. Take some time off, of course, but don't ignore what can be a very valuable resource for your future, whatever direction you decide to go in. Here are a few tips to help you through this time of limbo.

Why the west is queuing up to work with China

While Asian countries have generally out-performed their western counterparts at high school level for some time, the Asian university system has struggled to maintain the same level of international prominence as its American and British counterparts. Indeed, until relatively recently, pursuing study or an academic career in China or other Asian countries has not received much attention. Nevertheless, with the growth of the Asian education market, and the struggles faced by the British higher education system, there are many reasons why more universities are now turning towards China as a potential international collaborator.

The TEF – What you need to know

The TEF is focused on undergraduate teaching only and was launched in 2016 as a trial. Results were released in June 2017, and much debate surrounds the efficacy and value of the scheme. Although results are differentiated (taking typical cohort into account), there were some surprises, some disgruntled participants and a predictable media rumpus. This article tells you everything you need to know about TEF and how to prepare for the next assessment.

Training undergraduates to be ethical researchers

It might be argued that a lecturer's job is to defamiliarise the routine aspects of intellectual life, in order to produce critical and analytical thinkers who can then carry such values into the professional environment and into civic life in general. In other words, is it really enough to ask a student to sign a plagiarism form, or to tick a box, without getting that student to consider the reasoning behind it. This article covers how we, as lecturers, can embed ethics into their teaching so that undergraduates get into good habits from the get go. 

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