Professional and Managerial

Hello Job Seeker,

Here is the latest list of jobs for your chosen discipline.
Good luck in your job search.

QAE Coordinator (AR7)
Academic Registry
Kingston University

Electronics/Sensors Technician
Faculty of Science, Engineering & Computing
Kingston University

Graphic Designer
Marketing & Communications Department
Kingston University

Communications officer (fixed-term contract, maternity cover)
Marketing & Communications Department
Kingston University

Communications Adviser
Marketing & Communications Department
Kingston University

Business Advisers
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Team
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd

Senior Business Advisers - part funded by ERDF
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd

Assistant Accountant
Finance Department
Kingston University

1516 143 ADOR Project Support Worker (Community Common Interest Projects)
Student Experience - Student Services and Careers - Careers and Zone
Glyndwr University

Programme Coordinator (22025-056)
Centre for Lifelong Learning
University of Warwick

Head of Quality Assessment
Higher Education Funding Council for England - HEFCE

Head of Studies (Full time, fixed term appointment: 5 + 5 years)
London Film School

School Administrator
School of Psychology
University of Sussex

Deputy Housing Services Manager (Communities and Development)
Residential and Campus Services - University Housing Services
University of Sussex

Research Group Administrator
Respiratory Infections Section, National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London

Director of BMBS Educational Governance
Education Centre
University of Nottingham

Digital Communications Officer
Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment
Brunel University London

Work Based Learning Coordinator
John Leggott Sixth Form College

Communication and Grants Officer
Regional Studies Association

Business Change Manager - Business Intelligence (BI) Programme
Portfolio Management And IT Services
Cardiff University

Senior Marketing Communications Manager
Marketing and Business Development
Durham University

Pro-Vice-chancellor for Research and Innovation
University of Sheffield

Course Enquiries Administrator
Communications Recruitment and External Affairs
University of Westminster

Deputy Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Admissions Office, Academic Registry
University of Sussex

Policy and resources officer (Scotland) (0.8 FTE)
Equality Challenge Unit

Sales & Business Development Co-ordinator: English, Maths and ESOL
Stockton Riverside College

Information Systems Manager
Epsom College

Head of Programme Management - British Council Schools
English & Exams
The British Council

Research Fellow / First Contact Advisor, NIHR Research Design Service North East
School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health
Durham University

Research and Business Development Manager
Life Sciences
University of Nottingham

Head of Region: Strategic Account Manager
Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Assessment

Lead Curator - Americas
British Library

Phase Administrator: Final Year
Institute of Health Sciences Education
Queen Mary University of London

Records Manager
Governance, Information and Legal Office
Brunel University London

Mechanical Project Engineer
STFC - The Science and Technology Facilities Council

Quality Support Officer
Academic Support Office
University of York

Events Officer
Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences
King's College London

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Colleges and Student Experience
Durham University

Development Research Manager
Campaigns & Supporter Engagement Office
University of Reading

PR Manager
Middlesex University

Faculty Registrar - Collaborations
Coventry University

IT Support Manager (Management)
Computing Services
University of Bath

Learning Technologist MOOCs
Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office
University of Bath

Academic Governance and Quality Assurance Manager
Department of Education and Training
Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust

Business Support Officer (KTP)
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Manchester Metropolitan University

Grants Administrator
Joint Research Office, Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College London

System Support Officer
Department of Chemistry
University of Oxford

GO Wales Development Adviser
Careers Advisory Service
Aberystwyth University

Alumni Marketing Co-ordinator
Manchester Metropolitan University

SITS Reporting Officer
SITS Data Management, Student Services Directorate
Brunel University London

Programme Manager, Chevening Secretariat
Association of Commonwealth Universities

Student Recruitment Manager
Strategic Development
University Of The Arts London

e-learning Officer

Manager of the Office of Student Complaints, Conduct and Academic Appeals (OSCCA)
Directorate of Student Services
Brunel University London

Linguae Mundi Programme Manager
Centre for Global Engagement [CGE]
Coventry University

Head of Sales and Marketing

Assistant Director (Customer Services and Service Improvement)
Business Support
University of Southampton

SITS Data Coordinator – External Returns
Student Services Directorate - SITS Data Management
Brunel University London

Associate Professor Biosensing Systems and IBST Director - Research Partnerships
Engineering Design & Mathematics
University of the West of England, Bristol

Senior HR Services Manager
Human Resources
St Mary's University, Twickenham

Environmental Supervisor (Waste & Resources)
University of Bristol

Buildings and Facilities Manager (70229-056)
Warwick Business School
University of Warwick

Executive Director: Curriculum
West Thames College

Pershing Square and 1+1 MBA Recruitment Manager
Said Business School
University of Oxford

Curriculum and Quality Team Manager: Inclusion and Progression
West Thames College

Student Administration Manager
Faculty Student Administration
University of Bristol

Communications and Knowledge Management Officer
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

E-Learning Development Manager
West Thames College

BUFDG Learning and Development Manager
British Universities Finance Directors Group

CBS Safety Officer
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences
University of Nottingham

Senior Research Analyst
Towards Maturity CIC

PA to Deputy Registrar (20471-056)
University Executive Office
University of Warwick

Head of Human Resources Operations and Employee Relations
Leeds Trinity University

Department Secretary/MSc Administrator
UCL Epidemiology and Public Health
University College London

Marketing Analyst
Marketing Communications
University of Greenwich

American Academics Abroad

15 career stories from US academics who have found great career options overseas.

In this ebook, – the leading international jobs board for academic, research, science and related professions– tells the stories of 15 American academics who have taken the risks, and reaped the rewards. They range from recent PhD graduates in the early stages of their careers to highly experienced professors who could have their pick of positions. Each has his or her personal reasons for working abroad, and all offer tips and encouraging words for others who would like to follow their lead.

If reading their stories of academic adventure inspires you, is the perfect place to start your search. You’ll find additional resources for overseas academic careers in the Resources section at the end of this ebook.

Whatever your discipline, wherever your destination, we wish you the best of luck – if the 15 academics profiled here can do it, so can you!

For job hunting tips, careers advice, case studies and other useful information please visit Careers Advice

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