Welcome to Universal Jobmatch

Welcome to Universal Jobmatch

Dear Job ,

Thank you for registering with Universal Jobmatch. You must use your User ID to log into Universal Jobmatch to search for jobs and manage your account. Save your User ID for future reference.

If you have any questions, please do not respond to this message. Please click the 'Have a question?' link at the bottom of any Universal Jobmatch page, where the answers to most questions are given. If you still have need to contact us you can do so by using the 'Contact us' link at the end of any question section on the 'Have a question?' page.

Thank you,

Universal Jobmatch Helpdesk

Universal Jobmatch Helpdesk (A DWP Service)
Do not reply to this e-mail unless you are directed to do so as we will not be able to respond. Please use the 'Contact us' facility if you have any further issues or to report this e-mail as suspicious. We will never ask you for your password in an e-mail.
© Department for Work and Pensions

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