
Hello Job Seeker,

Here is the latest list of jobs for your chosen discipline.
Good luck in your job search.

Postgraduate Administrator - Diploma/LLM
School of Law
Queen Mary, University of London

Marketing Officer
Writtle College

Careers & Higher Education Adviser
Careers & Higher Education
St. Clare's

Gift Registry Supervisor
Finance Division – Financial Reporting, University Offices
University of Oxford

Marketing Executive
Marketing & Communications, Henley Business School
University of Reading

Clerical Officer (Evaluation)
Partnership Development Office
University of Kent

Departmental Administrative Assistant
Faculty of Education and Health
University of Greenwich

Payroll Administrator
Human Resources
University of Reading

HR Services Administrator
Human Resources & Organisational Development
University of Westminster

HR Administrator
Human Resources
University of Reading

Student Engagement Facilitator
College of Arts and Law
University of Birmingham

University of Hertfordshire

Assistant Programmes Officer
Manchester Metropolitan University

Processing Clerk
Finance Services
University of Bristol

Student Records Assistant (21142-124)
Academic Registrar's Office
University of Warwick

Peninsula Medical School
Plymouth University

Personal Assistant
Peninsula Medical School
Plymouth University

PA to Head of School of Law
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Law
University of Sheffield

Programmes Officer
Manchester Metropolitan University

Student Records and Operations Officer
Student and Academic Services
University of Leicester

Purchase Ledger Clerk
Glasgow School of Art

Facilities Administrator
Manchester Metropolitan University

Customer Service Operator
City and Islington College

Human Resources Assistant
Medicine & Health Faculty Office
University of Leeds

Weekend Customer Services Assistants
Corporate Services
University of Leeds

Personal Assistant to Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching
Faculty of Engineering
University of Sheffield

Weekend Customer Services Assistants – Sunday evenings
Library Services
University of Leeds

Knowledge Exchange Officer
Department of Social Policy and Intervention
University of Oxford

Study Abroad Co-ordinator (Incoming Students)
University of Winchester

Clinical Trials Administrative Assistant
Department of Oncology
University of Cambridge

Self Paced Administrator
FOS - Social & Human Sciences
University of Southampton

Research Administrator
Environment Faculty Offices
University of Leeds

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