Job, 5 job(s) from companies like Yodlee, inc found on - 08-Aug

Dear Job, on the basis of your profile on we have found
Senior Software Engineer - Data Engineering job for you
Yodlee, inc (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
The key responsibilities will include Understanding content service information gathering requirements. Understanding financial data models and code java agents to get financial information from content services. Passive communication and co-ordination with Clients. ...
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Experience: 4-6  yrs    
robosoft technologies pvt ltd (KARNATAKA)
As Unity3D game developer one should have game programming experience. Should have shipped multiple game titles (preferably on mobiles). Experience in developing Unity game engine is a must.- Unity 3D developers should have software design, programming, debugging and optimization skills in C++ and C...
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Experience: 2-5  yrs    
Erident Technologies (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Skill Sets Required:Knowledge of PHP 5, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAXGood Knowledge of object oriented programmingResponsibilities:Act as a single point of contact for all the engineering activities on the products.Ability to complete a project from its scratch.Maintain and tweak the existing products...
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Experience: 3-8  yrs    
Yodlee, inc (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
We are looking for seasoned Mobile application Developers with Java background to join our team for Mobile applications across multiple platforms and devices. Working in a fast-paced group, you will be responsible for providing solutions to critical customer problems, technical analysis to live prob...
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Experience: 4-6  yrs    
Ace Algo Technologies Pvt. Ltd (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
SkillsRequirements (1) You must have hands-on experience in: - J2SE, HTML, CSS, Javascript - JSP/Servlets, Tomcat - JDBC, Hibernate, SQL - Ant, Log4j, JUnit/Test automation (2) Good Object Oriented design and development background (3) Familiarity with Flash and ActionScript will be an asset (4) Sou...
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Experience: 3-5  yrs    
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