Job, 2 matching job(s) available for - 29-Jul

Dear Job, on the basis of your profile on we have found
Sr. Java Developer job for you
Capital Recruitment Services (Bengaluru/ Bangalore, Pune)
HI Associates,We are seeking for ( Sr. Java Developer 10+16 Years ,. Mid level 5-8 Years , Junior Level 3-5 Years) candidates for Health Care Domain Client at Bangalore & Pune Location.All are Full Time Opportuniteies, ( Salary is open , Providing Immediate Joining )Please find the Job DescriptionHe...
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Experience: 4-8  yrs    
Godot Entertainment & Media Pvt. Ltd. (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
We are looking for a web and mobile application / product developer. You should be passionate about programming and capable of independent problem solving. Ability to work across technologies and frameworks is highly desirable. The product youll be working on will marry social media, search, NLP, da...
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Experience: 1-6  yrs    
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