Job, 5 job(s) from companies like IBM India Pvt Ltd found on - 23-Jun

Dear Job, on the basis of your profile on we have found
Application Developer: Microsoft BI ( BAO) - GBS job for you
IBM India Pvt Ltd (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Designs and develops business intelligence / data warehousing / reporting applications that utilize specialized tools/products from Microsoft like SSIS, SSAS and SSRS.Candidate should have 3+ yrs of exp SSIS,SQL Server & Oracle, C#, SSRS,Data Modellings. BI Report Center, Cognos BI (v10), SSAS, Perf...
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Experience: 3-7  yrs    
[24]7 (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
The Desired Skill-set: Experience with Web development and understanding of various components/technologies within a website. Technical Skills: Java, Javascript, HTML, XML/JSON based Integration, Apache, etc. Experience with one or more scripting languages (Perl, Python, Bash, PHP, etc ) Progr...
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Experience: 2-6  yrs    
mVikarsha Mobile Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
The payment processing engine is built on Linux platform using C/C++ and Oracle database. The core team of agile, enthusiastic and self-driven developers will play a very key role in designing & developing this platform. Candidates need to be proficient in Data Structures, Algorithms, Client-server ...
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Experience: 4-6  yrs    
mVikarsha Mobile Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
The web interface for the payment gateway is built on Linux platform using Java/J2EE technologies and Oracle database. The core team of agile, enthusiastic and self-driven developers will play a very key role in designing & developing this web platform. Candidates need to be proficient in OOD/OOP fu...
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Experience: 4-6  yrs    
Cosmic IT Services Pvt. Ltd. (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Must have experience in PHP.Strong database skills against MYSQL.Must have experience in CSS, HTML and JAVASCRIPT.Good Leadership Skills.Results oriented and passion for accepting and meetin...
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Experience: 3-8  yrs    
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