Job, 5 job(s) from companies like 3i-infotech found on - 26-Jun

Dear Job, on the basis of your profile on we have found Developers /Sr Developers job for you
3i-infotech (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Requirement: Developers /Sr Developers Experience: 3 to 7 yearsQualification required: Any DegreeJD in BriefPrimary skills: ASP.NET, WinformsDB: MS SQL Server and/or OracleGood to h...
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Experience: 3-7  yrs    
CIBER India Pvt Ltd (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
DescriptionJob Responsibilities Around Five years experience in Android Build, iterate, and enhance mobile applications on Android Continue to evaluate innovative approaches on Android and present new ideas to improve our offering on Android and other mobile platforms Partner closely with the de...
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Experience: 2-7  yrs    
Birlasoft (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
DescriptionSupporting user cases Creation of Healthcare specific QMSdocumentsCreation of Validation documents System MaintenanceRequirements:Primary Skill:HP Quality Center AdministrationInstall, uninstall, patching, Site AdminMigration of projects, backup and restoreQC System upgrade and QC project...
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Experience: 2-7  yrs    
Sibridge Technologies (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Requirements:Define IP architecture, lead the design effort, implementation and FPGA validation.Take responsibility for developing design specifications, conducting hardware architecture and design tradeoffs.Work in close collaboration with the team, customers and internal customers including ASIC D...
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Experience: 4-9  yrs    
Sibridge Technologies (Bengaluru/ Bangalore)
Requirements:Understand the standard/specification/application for which Design IP is to be developed.Develop the small blocks of the IP from scratch or reuse from the available libraries or legacy code.Do sanity verification of the IPs.Integrate various blocks of IP and make it compile and run with...
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Experience: 2-7  yrs    
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