Job | Urgently Hiring for SDET/ Whitebox Tester position for Product Organisation

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Experience required for the Job: 4 - 13 years
Annual Salary of the Job: 11.0 - 35.0 Lacs - Best in the Industry
Job Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore, Delhi/NCR

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Dear Candidate,

We are looking for SDET or White box Testers for various locations. For Your Reference, Please find below the job description:


We are looking for highly motivated Software Engineer in Test (previous known as SDET) to work on technology platform. The goal for the automation platform is to help ensure to deliver the highest quality to our customers.


Works primarily on developing automated solutions using a variety of technologies
Collaborate with the development team and leads to execute on well identified strategy for unit testing, leverage continuous integration environments and test harnesses for check-ins; build automated test cases in Selenium or junit
Represent quality in any technical discussion during the coding phase
Codes complex tests to implement a test design. Leverage an existing test automation and execution frameworks or help implement a new one. Implements key steps that are used by several test cases. Puts together the key steps to build an automated suite of test cases.
Executes test cases and reports results.
Collects and analyzes multiple metrics around testing.


Design and development skills in Java,C#, C++
Strong knowledge of SQL, relational databases & XML preferred
Experience with a test automation frameworks including Selenium is a plus
Experience developing automation frameworks is a plus
Deep knowledge of Internet technologies is required.

4 Yrs - 13 Yrs

BE/B. Tech/ ME/M. Tech /MCA

Thanks & Regards,

Shalini Sharma | Specialist Recruitments | Winfort | Direct: (0)11 40416005 | Email: | Web: | Add: 221, Okhla Phase III, New Delhi - 110020, INDIA.

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